Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower -

A quote to start the week: Autumn is a second spring

Almost all the leaves have fallen from the trees and the flowers are disappearing fast. It is really cold this morning, with a light frost. I have left the dahlia tubers in the ground until now. It’s better to leave them in the ground as long as possible, they need to feel the cold so the tubers will prepare for winter. I wanted to wait until the plants have completely died back, but being a first-year grower, I don’t want to dig them up too late.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower; quote by Albert Camus -

Autumn has been beautiful this year. I really love this season, with the leaves changing colour to yellow, orange, red and brown. It is just a shame it doesn’t last longer.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower -

I have added some pictures of trees in our neighbourhood to this week’s quote. The quote was written by French author and philosopher Albert Camus. I don’t want you to miss the original French line; L’automne est un deuxième printemps où chaque feuille est une fleur.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower -

The quotation is from his 1944 play The Misunderstanding (Le Malentendu). I have looked it up, it’s a very sombre play but the line is beautiful. Wishing you a lovely week!

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower -

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Flower lover, aspiring gardener, blogger, amateur photographer.

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